Rootmax Tomato

is formulated for vigorous plant growth from roots to green foliage. It promotes abundant flowering and fruiting for all tomato varieties and blooming vegetables. RootMax Tomato contains mycorrhizal fungi specific for tomatoes which improves feeding results under diverse soil and growing conditions.

Desired Benefits

Rootmax Mycorrhizal Fungi contains 245 viable spores per gram. Which is the highest in the market. Some brands share potency of their mycorrhizae in propagules per gram which includes root fragments and hyphae that is dead organic matter and does not inoculate the roots of your plants. Spores are 50X more potent



Guaranteed Analysis.………………..Active Ingredients
Microbial Content…..……………………………………..2%

245 Active spores/g……………(Rhizophagus Intraradices) 
Total Inert Ingredients (Carrier).……………………..…98%


Rootmax Tomato