stands for Effective Microorganisms and is a mixture of microorganisms. It helps to significantly increase soil fertility and increase plants’ growth and resistance. This treatment provides possibilities for organic substances that were gathered during the harvest to benefit plants in the soil again.
This causes a reduction in operational costs, while at the same time increasing quality and yield.
Desired Benefits
Improves Soil Fertility
Beneficial in fruit production
Acts as plant tonic
Supports insect control
Dosage Instructions
DosagewithWater: Mix 100 grams of Micro Plus Powder in 1 Liter of water and utilize for 1 acre
DosagewithMicro-Manna: Mix 100 grams of Micro Plus Powder in 1 Liter of Micro-Manna liquid and utilize for 1 acre
Spray Application: Mix the 100 grams of Micro Plus powder in water or Micro-Manna as per the recommended dosage and further mix in 30 liters water. Spray on soil and or foliar so that the roots are drenched
It contains a mixture of Photosynthetic Bacteria (Rhodopseudomonas palustris), Lactic Acid Bacteria (Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus plantarum) and Saccharomyces cerevisiae.