
improves liver function and  enhances nutritional metabolism  through proper feed digestion

Desired Benefits

  • Helps to improve appetite, digestion, and  assimilation processes, and promotes weight gain
  • Improved immune system and increase  resistance against diseases
  • Enhance activation of enzymes for system  metabolism to the improved proper  nutritional diet of fish, prawns, and shrimp
  • It sustains healthy fish growth and production
  • Reduces feed wastage because of the increased  appetite during feeding and prevents fatty  infiltration of the liver
  • Help protect the liver from toxins

Dosage Instructions

This product can also be used as feed mix and for pond water treatment

For Feed Mix: Mix 50ml per kg of feed

For Pond water use: 2L per acre of pond water at 1m depth


Thiamine HCl 5mg
Ferrous Chloride 80mg
Nicotinic Acid 20mg
Nicotinamide 45mg
Ferrous Gluconate 200mg
Riboflavin 5mg
Calcium Lactate 300mg
Silymarin 100mg
Liver fraction (II)  (Derived from 3.75g  of fresh liver) 150mg
Aqueous base 30mg