It can be applied in USAB Digester, Anaerobic Chamber, and Anaerobic Lagoon treatment
Desired Benefits
It can be applied in USAB Digester, Anaerobic Chamber and Anaerobic Lagoon treatment
Dosage Instructions
Add 1 L of Compost Pro to 100 Kg organic waste and mix well. Evenly apply the above mix to 1000kgs of organic waste to convert all types of organic waste into compost/manure
Bacterial consortium belongs to the following:
Hydrocarbon reducer bacteria
Hydrolytic bacteria
Hyper Thermophilic and Thermophilic bacteria
Nitrifying and Di-Nitrifying bacteria
Photosynthetic bacteria & fluorescent bacteria
Fermentative bacteria
Acetogenic bacteria
Odor control bacteria
Enzymes belong to the co enzymes of the following group: