Micromax is based on nano micro nutrient mixture encapsulated by a chitosan-based bio polymer, embedded on protein hydrolysates and suspended in water. Micromax contains nano particles of Zinc, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Molybdenum and Boron. Micromax has a particle size of less than 100 nano meter with a potency of 100 ppm for each micro nutrient.
Desired Benefits
100% bioavailable
Good for foliar spray and drip feeding
Builds critical levels of many trace elements
Cost effective
Easy to administer
Helpful in the cases of malabsorption conditions
Increases levels for energy, water and nutrient holding capacity
Increases the ability of the crops to resist pest and disease attack
Improved plant health
Reduces input costs through efficiency
Meets the demands of modern plant genotypes with higher requirements
Most useful in stress conditions
Promotes availability of both minerals and proteins as nutrients to the crops
Dosage Instructions
Use Micromax (colloidal trace minerals) from day 1 til flowering as soil drench/drip/sprinkle/foliar spray once in 15 days at 5 ml/L water or 25ml per tree
Compatible with all fertilizers, biofertilizers, bio-pesticides, pesticides, micro nutrients and PGRs