Almardia: succeeded to plant salinity-sensitive species on Qatari soil

 Sheikh Faisal bin Hamad Al Thani expressed his happiness for the success of the “beneficial bacteria” technology and its impact on raising the level of fertility and succeeded to plant salinity-sensitive products in Qatari lands.

In a statement to the National Radio in Qatar. he said that many circumstances that Qatar went through. in addition to the need for cultivation, prompted us to look for alternatives with all available means.

They added that the technology came as a fruitful result of a long work in scientific research. with a constant effort and persistence to carry out practical experiments on the farm until we contacted several companies specialized in this field, as the “beneficial bacteria” technology was present in other countries.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of Almardia Company for Trading and Agriculture. confirmed that some products were a real challenge because they are very salinity-sensitive species

, and cannot bear more than 1000 or 1200, such as watermelons and melons but we succeeded in cultivating them thanks to God. in addition to other products such as fruits, vegetables, figs, cotton, and many other species that we managed to produce, here in Qatar.

He added that after using these products. which are based on biological products only, such as bacteria and some types of fungi. we noticed a significant increase in fertility rates year after year. confirming that the soil fertility in Almardia farm in Qatar is similar to the fertility of Turkish lands.

They also confirmed their intention to continue improving and developing processes to make it similar to the level of fertility of the Ukrainian land. which is considered one of the most fertile countries in agriculture.

You can follow the meeting audio and video via this link

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