زراعة الطماطم

It is important for all countries to try to focus on agriculture because of its great importance in healthy human life and it contributes to the development of countries from political, social, and economic aspects.

Agriculture has solved many problems by reducing poverty through providing employment for many young people, and it has enhanced import and export between countries, leading to an improvement in the economic and political situation due to the necessity of dealing with them and building strong relationships.

All countries have tried to provide all the needs to encourage farmers and urge them to engage in agriculture.

 One of the most prominent services provided are:

  • Countries have tried to provide water permanently without interruption, especially tropical countries in order to irrigate crops permanently and daily.
  • In addition to providing organic and natural fertilizers for faster crop maturity, the fertilizer is enriched with the vitamins needed by the crops.
  • Also, all types of insecticides have been provided for spraying crops to prevent them from diseases and prevent insects from feeding on them.
  • All the machinery needed by farmers has been secured, such as excavators, cranes, tractors, special harvesting equipment, fruit picking machines, and pesticide spraying machines.
  • And all countries are trying to provide all seedlings or seeds for farmers and sell them at cheaper prices in order to facilitate farmers’ work and encourage them to farm.

Tomato cultivation

One of the most important vegetables that all foreign and Arab countries care about is tomatoes, which are considered the first and main food.

Tomatoes are used in most different types of foods, which increases their importance for all people.

There are several conditions for its cultivation such as:

  • Tomatoes require a temperature of approximately 21 to 29 degrees Celsius.
  • They also need a minimum of 12 hours of light per day.
  • Farmers can grow tomatoes in all types of land provided that they test its drainage capacity.
  • The land should be prepared for cultivation, including plowing and fertilizing with organic fertilizers at a rate of 8 to 10 per hectare.

How to grow tomatoes

Tomatoes need specific temperatures and constant watering to grow healthy and well within a suitable area.

Tomatoes are planted by farmers as follows some of the best ways to plant tomatoes include the following:

  • Choosing a suitable location for receiving sunlight, with tomatoes needing about 6 to 8 hours of exposure daily.
  • Selecting well-drained soil, loosening it with a large fork, and fertilizing it using organic fertilizers.
  • Tomatoes can be grown from seeds immediately or using pre-grown seedlings.
  • Regular watering is necessary to maintain moist soil without overwatering.
  • Using support columns such as wires for plant suspension and vertical guidance.
  • Spraying plants with insecticides to prevent diseases.

Tomato planting time

Tomatoes are the second most important crop after potatoes, and they contain many health-beneficial compounds, including vitamins, carotenoids, and phenolic compounds.

The best time to plant tomatoes is in the summer because the sunlight is strong, providing light and warmth.

However, it is also possible to grow them in winter under certain climatic conditions.

There are some preferred characteristics for tomato planting soil:

  • The soil should allow good water drainage to prevent water accumulation and root rot.
  •  Tomatoes prefer soil rich in organic matter such as compost and decomposed plant residues.
  • Tomatoes prefer soil with a pH level between 6 and 7 for optimal growth.
  • Tomatoes need well-aerated soil to enable their roots to access oxygen.
  • The soil should contain appropriate levels of essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and calcium.

Growing tomatoes at home

Growing tomatoes at home involves several stages, and the required time depends on multiple factors such as the type of tomatoes, surrounding growth conditions, and care provided. It usually takes about 60-85 days from planting to harvest.

Tomatoes can be successfully grown at home by providing suitable temperature and good care.

 You also need to manually provide pollinating insects if there are no natural pollinators in your area.

Tomatoes can be grown indoors by providing specific climatic conditions including:

  •  any type of tomato fruit, but it is preferable to choose varieties that are considered small in size.
  • A good lighting location should be chosen in the house for growing tomatoes, such as west and south-facing windows to increase the amount of sunlight exposure for the plants.
  • It is recommended to choose a suitable container size for planting so that it does not affect the growth of its root system.
  • Choosing a well-ventilated ready-made soil mix for cultivation is advised
  • Also, tomato soil should be fertilized and watered at appropriate intervals.
  • Tomato seedlings can be purchased ready-made or seeds can be selected for planting. When choosing seeds, they should be planted in moist, nutrient-rich soil, then cover the soil surface with plastic and leave it in a well-lit place.
  • After the seedlings grow to a length of 2-3 centimeters, they can be transferred to the main tomato container.

Tomato planting season

Plants differ in their specific climatic conditions. There are many plants that grow well in summer weather conditions, such as potatoes and tomatoes, while others grow in winter like oranges and strawberries.

Suitable seasons for planting tomatoes include:

  • the winter season from early September to October.
  •  The spring season starts from January, and some countries plant them from March to early April.
  • Tomatoes can be planted at any time.
  • and in any season using plastic greenhouses.

Growing tomatoes from seeds

Tomato seeds grow well when there is a necessary set of essentials for successful cultivation.

 The most important are:

  • Sufficient space must be available for tomato growth.
  • Light is important, so tomatoes should be exposed to light for approximately 6 to 8 hours during moderate temperatures.
  •  Seeds should be placed in the soil individually, meaning that several seeds should not be gathered in the same place.
  • Farmers should cover the seeds with a little soil and press them lightly.
  • Plants are watered daily until they grow and leaves appear.

Planting tomatoes in the summer

Tomatoes are classified as protected and suitable crops in both summer and winter seasons, able to withstand harsh weather conditions with the provision of a suitable environment for them.

 They are distinguished by their ability to grow in any type of soil.

Tomatoes are planted at the following times in summer:

  • Tomatoes are planted with spacing between different plants.
  • In northern regions, farmers plant tomatoes in early summer because the weather is summery and temperatures are high.
  •  Tomatoes are planted in nurseries during mid-February, and seedlings are transferred to permanent land in early April.
  • Protection from cold is provided by covering with plastic tunnels until the beginning of germination.

Planting tomatoes in winter

Tomatoes are considered plants that require a warm place to grow, and spring and early summer are suitable for growth.

However, tomatoes can be planted during the summer, with the best solution being to plant them in plastic houses.

Also, the cost of planting tomatoes in winter is high because they require many conditions and steps to be followed such as:

  • Choosing the type of tomato you want to plant, and you can take advice from expert farmers about suitable types according to the season.
  • Tomatoes are characterized by their ability to grow in any agricultural land, so you can choose your own soil or a mixture of different types.
  • It is important to choose a suitable location and provide heating with continuous watering for the tomatoes while exposing them to constant light.
  • Seeds are planted in designated places such as seedling trays for seedling growth before transferring them into multiple containers in plastic houses.
  • Try to provide organic fertilization and spray them with insecticides.
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