Tricho Protect

contains a natural fungus which is effective in controlling seed and soil borne pathogens. Tricho Protect is designed to incorporate many of the resilient traits of other subspecies found naturally

Desired Benefits

  • Controls Root Rot & Wilt diseases
  • Controls Root Knot Nematodes
  • Does not interfere with Mycorrhizal or other beneficial microbial activity
  • Controls soil-borne diseases like : Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Fusarium, Sclerotinia, Thielaviopsis, Cylindrocladium

Dosage Instructions

Foliar Application

Mix 10g of Tricho Protect with every one liter water in a spray pump and use as foliar spray. Spray  volume depends on crop canopy.

Soil Application

Mix 10g of Tricho Protect with sufficient organic fertiliser or farm manure and apply to one square

feet of soil. Apply the mixture near the root zone of the plant. Water the soil after application.

Root Dipping for cuttings and seedlings

Mix 10g of Tricho Protect with 1L of water and mix well. Dip the roots of the plants for 20 minutes in  this solution, before planting.


Tricho Protect contains Trichoderma Harzianum at a spore load of 2 x 106 CFU / g

Tricho Protect