
 is an immunostimulant and guts antiseptic, biological antimycotoxicosis

Desired Benefits

  • GINEX increases the body’s ability to resist and fight infections, botanically as an immune system booster.
  • GINEX clears the blood of impurities and expedites the removal of toxins from the body.
  • GINEX is especially effective in fighting viral infections due to these specific actions:
  • Promotes macrophage activities
  • Stimulates T-cell production
  • Stimulates interferon production
  • Increases phagocytosis
  • GINEX (monolaurin) has virucidal effects on enveloped R.N.A. and D.N.A. viruses.
  • GINEX may stimulate both cellular and humoral immune responses, thus preventing immunosuppression.
  • GINEX administration in a repeated regimen enhances CMI responses against H9N2 AI viruses and reduces the virus-shedding period.
  • GINEX acts as a gut antiseptic and also prevents viral transmission via drinking water.


Dosage Instructions

1cc/3-liter drinking water for 3-5 days may increase dose to 1 cc/liter in severe cases



Echinacea extract 60% 200 ml
Lauric Acid  50 ml
Levamesole 50 ml
Penta Copper Sulphate 50 ml
Exepient and distilled water up to 1000 ml