Why Must You Walk Your Horse?

Why Must You Walk Your Horse? Many horse owners wonder: "why must you walk your horse?". Horses are not meant to be cooped up indoors all the time. They need…

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Learn about Horses and Leg Injuries

Learn about Horses and Leg Injuries Horses are one of the most popular animals used for riding and racing. They are also used for work purposes such as farming, logging,…

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Do You Have a Horse? Get a First Aid-Kit

Do You Have a Horse? Get a First Aid-Kit No doubt that every stable has an equine first-aid kit. It’s very essential to have your own first-aid items along with…

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Basics About Horse Care

Basics About Horse Care Before you decide to get your own equine companion to your farm, it’s very important to learn some basics about horse care. For example, learn how…

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