is based on the seed kernel extract of seeds of Annona squamosa (Custard Apple/Seethaphal). Annomax contains Squamocin (Annonin) as the active ingredient and is formulated as 1% emulsifiable concentrate.
الفوائد المرجوة
Annomax effectively controls most economically damaging pests, such as caterpillars of Fall Armyworm, Helicoverpa spp, Spodoptera spp, and other Lepidopteran larvae
Can be used with conventional chemical pesticides, optimizing pesticide usage
Safe to parasites, pollinators, and predators
Does not lead to Pre-Harvest Interval issues
No re-entry barrier issues
No Maximum Residue Limit issues
No resistance problems
Environmentally safe and biodegradable
Approved for use in organic agriculture
إرشادات الجرعة
Foliar application
Typical acre dose: 400ml
Typical hectare dose: 1000ml
Mix Annomax @ 2ml/L and Silicomax @ 0.3ml/L
Silicomax is a silicon spray adjuvant that improves bioefficacy
Annomax can be used as follows:
Mix Annomax and Silicomax at recommended doses in sufficient water and spray on foliage.
Mix Silicomax 0.3 ml/L spray fluid, which improves bioefficacy. Silicomax is a silicon spray adjuvant that helps in super spreading and penetration of Annomax.
The spray volume depends upon the crop canopy. Spray at the early stage of insect emergence and give 1 – 2 follow-up sprays at 4-5 days intervals.
Drift from Annomax spray fluid will cause eye irritation. Therefore, it is mandatory for the operator to wear eye protection glass with side shields and a nose mask while mixing and spraying the product.
Note: Do not store Annomax solution for more than 24 hours after mixing in water.