Neem Plus

is a water soluble Neem and karanja based product that targets over 400 pest on various crops

الفوائد المرجوة

  • Neem Plus is an effective repellent, antiovipositant, and insect growth regulator
  • The limonoids spectrum in Neem Plus prevents pests from developing resistance
  • Kills early larval and nymphal stages in the insect life cycle
  • It is antifeedent; hence, on ingestion, larvae stop feeding, thereby preventing crop damage
  • Repels adults, thus restricting egg laying
  • High flashpoint hence no fire hazards or harmful vapor ingestion
  • Formulated with specially treated neem oil, having shelf stability of more than 15 months
  • It proves no evidence of acute toxicity or reproductive effect


إرشادات الجرعة

Pest Formulation Dilution in Water (ml) Waiting period between last spray to harvest days
Bollworm, White fly 2.5 – 5 ml 500 – 1000 5
Thrips, Stem Borer, Leaf folder,Brown Plant hopper 1.5 – 2.5 ml 500 5


Neem Seed Kernel Extract in solvent Menthol Containing min. 0.15% Azadirachtin 60%
Neem oil 35%
Emulsifier 5%
Neem Plus