MYKROBAK FOG is a combination of highly active microbes that are designed to accelerate liquefaction and digestion of food-based Fats, Oils and Greases (also known as “FOG:) found in grease traps, collection systems and wastewater treatment systems (activated sludge, RBC, DAF, etc).
الفوائد المرجوة
• Degrades Fat Oil & Grease from waste water
• Reduces accumulation of organic matter on the surface of tank
• Breakdowns complex chain molecular
• Structure of oil into simpler form
• Reduces foaming in biological tank
• Multiple strains of bacteria for effective result
• Reduces odour from plant
• Improves overall efficiency of the plant
• Effective under most of the environmental conditions
• Easy to store, handle and transport
إرشادات الجرعة
Dosage Schedule
Depend upon the FOG content, contaminants and volume of waste water.
Area of Application
• Activated sludge Process
• Sequencing batch reactor
• Moving bed bio reactor
• Extended Aeration system
• Oil & grease Trap
Application Matrix
1. Mix MYKROBAK 1 kg powder in 20 Liter water (Prefer normal temperature)
2. Stir well and remain in bucket for 30 minutes (for bacteria activation)