Seed Protek

 is a natural seed treatment item. It is a seed dressing item that can be utilized even on synthetically covered seeds. SeedProtek involves Mycorrhiza and PGPR organisms. SeedProtek is utilized as seed dressing to empower uniform germination and even development of seedlings under biotic and abiotic stress conditions

الفوائد المرجوة

  • Biological nitrogen fixation
  • Micro nutrient assimilation
  • Potash mobilization
  • Silica solubilization
  • Phosphorus solubilization
  • Soil health improvement
  • Organic carbon improvement
  • Drought tolerance
  • Feeding roots proliferation
  • Disease suppression


إرشادات الجرعة

Seed dressing for crops: Wheat, Barley, Rice, Soybean, Peanuts, and similar crops with seed rate of 100-120 Kg / Ha.

Apply 2ml / Kg seed


SeedProtek contains biofertilizers, mycorrhiza, and PGPR organisms in a watery medium. 

The arrangement is modified to comply with regulatory rules of specific nations. Each of the organisms in SeedProtek is a proprietary strain and compliant with National Bio-Diversity Authority rules and Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) agreements with the State Bio-Diversity Board for the payment of royalties to the habitat from where the microorganisms have been extracted. 



  • Nitrogen-fixing bacteria: Paenibacillus durus (Paenibacillus azotofixans)/Azotobacter chroococum

     – Phosphorus-solubilizing bacteria: Bacillus megaterium

     – Potassium-activating bacteria: Bacillus mucilaginosus

     – Mycorrhiza: Rhizophagus irregularis

  • PGPR

      – Silica-solubilizing bacteria: Bacillus mycoides

      – Root-enhancing bacteria: Bacillus spp

      – Root-enhancing fungus: Trichoderma spp


Beneficial microbes and natural biostimulants contained in SeedProtek act as bioprimes, aiding in:

  • Uniform germination
  • Disease suppression
  • Drought tolerance
Seed Protek